SBEL is your solution when…your Loan Officer reaches out to you with the great news that he can lower the interest rate on your home mortgage.

Situation:  Anson purchased his home earlier this year and he got a great loan with a low rate and favorable terms from Loan Officer Tom Hardesty and South Bay Equity Lending.

SBEL Solution:  SBEL Loan Officer Tom Hardesty’s philosophy is that once he has served you, you are a client for life.  Tom recognized that interest rates had dropped even lower in the past seven months and that he could save Anson some money each month if he refinanced his loan.  Tom reached out to Anson and along with SBEL’s Laura Saucedo, they refinanced Anson’s loan promptly and smoothly.  Now, Anson will have to figure out how to spend the few extra bucks he puts in his pocket each month!

“Thank you so much for getting this done quickly and efficiently. I highly recommend Tom Hardesty and Laura Saucedo to anyone who needs to refinance. They are a great team.” – Anson C.


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