SBEL is your solution when…you are purchasing your first home and you want the loan program that is the best fit for your financial situation.

Jeremy has a successful career as a health care administrator and has been diligent with his personal finances. In the summer of 2017, he decided the time was right to start exploring the purchase of his first home.

SBEL Solution:
An extended family member referred Jeremy to John Mills at South Bay Equity Lending. John had helped finance the purchase of her first home and she recommended John to Jeremy. With Jeremy’s strong financial track record, John Mills was able to find the loan program that leveraged this strength so Jeremy could keep his down payment low and secure a great 30 year fixed rate. John and the notary met Jeremy at a delicatessen next to Jeremy’s workplace to sign the final papers. He is now the owner of his first home. Congratulations Jeremy!

“As a first time home buyer there was a lot of anxiety about the home buying process and at times thoughts of maybe now is not the right time. Working with John Mills was such an ease and alleviated a lot of the concern around things that were so foreign to me. John takes the time to explain things, puts all the options on the table and doesn’t pressure you into making any particular decision. He is responsive and goes out of his way to make sure that you have all the information you need and does it with such ease. It was a great pleasure working with John and I definitely would recommend them to others.” – Jeremy B.


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